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Group Therapy

We are social creatures, and as social creatures, our need to congregate can be a powerful therapeutic tool. Therapy groups can be persuasive and supportive. Groups organized around common experiences and topics can offer individuals insight, guidance, and comfort. Under a therapist’s guidance, groups can foster healthy attachments as well as teach individuals new skills. Individuals who engage in group therapy tend to be more committed to making positive changes. Research suggests that group therapy can help with co-occurring mental health disorders, such as depression and  anxiety.


Types of Group Therapy


  • Psychoeducational and skills development groups. The primary focus of these groups are to educate and inform individuals generally about a topic or shared experience.

  • Therapy groups. The therapist works to identify patterns of thinking and behaviors that contribute to suffering and teaches group members new perspectives and coping strategies. 

  • Support groups. Just as the name suggests, this model provides support and care for the members while teaching them interpersonal skills through group discussion, shared experiences, and collaborative problem-solving.

  • Interpersonal process groups. In this model, the therapist observes group interactions, functionality, and performance. The therapist helps members with their emotional development and addresses their concerns that may lead them to poor decision-making.


Here are just a few of the benefits that group therapy provides to clients:


  • Group therapy helps you realize you’re not alone. While it’s true that each of us is unique and may have unique circumstances, none of us is alone in our struggles.

  • Group therapy facilitates giving and receiving support. Members are actually encouraged to turn to each other for support, feedback and connection, instead of getting all of that 1-1 from the therapist or coach.

  • Group therapy helps you find your “voice.” Many people don’t know how they are feeling when they are interacting with other people, because it can be challenging to be self-connected when connecting with others. 

  • Group therapy helps you relate to others (and yourself) in healthier ways. 

  • Group therapy provides a safety net. Members practice skills in the group, and as they do, their confidence for practicing them outside the group grows.

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