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Jun 23, 20222 min read
Taking a Time Out
Creating a space for YOU I want you to create a cozy corner for yourself, in the midst of your busy life and home. Somewhere that your...

May 25, 20227 min read
Kicking them out of your shower
An Exploration of Boundaries Think of yourself singing in the shower. Now think of yourself singing on the subway, on stage, at the...

May 17, 20222 min read
Beyond Sibling Rivalry
Have you ever felt like you or a sibling were from a different family (or planet)? Sibling conflict and estrangement is more common that...

May 2, 20222 min read
Counseling Couples Individually
If you and your partner are entering into couples' therapy, there may times when you want to meet with the therapist individually. You...

Feb 18, 20223 min read
Breaking down breaking up
Some thoughts on healing from breakups from an attachment model perspective.... It's not your actual ex you miss most after a breakup....

Jan 11, 20222 min read
Lightening Up in Winter
Treating SAD Light therapy, also known as phototherapy, is a treatment involving exposure to an artificial light source. The therapy...

Jan 10, 20222 min read
On the bookshelf: Healing from an Affair
For partners who are (or who have been) in a relationship with an unfaithful partner, there are a number of books that can offer clarity...

Jan 9, 20224 min read
The Two Faces of You
We only come out at night We only come out at night The days are much too bright We only come out at night... And once again You'll...

Jan 7, 202213 min read
Separation and Shared Parenting
I have spent some time cultivating my thoughts and curating the thoughts of experts to provide a resource to pick and choose from as you...

Jan 7, 20221 min read
Adult ADHD
Unpacking the clutter "Most adults who seek an evaluation for ADHD experience significant problems in one or more areas of living. The...

Jan 7, 20222 min read
All in the family: Counseling friends and relatives
I can and have seen multiple members of a family as clients, but I proceed with caution to avoid breaching confidentiality and conflicts...

Jan 7, 20228 min read
An Affair to Remember
Thoughts on healing Our emotions color our lives with varying palettes. Sometimes we feel a strong emotion in reaction to something that...

Jan 7, 20229 min read
Repairing within after you end an affair
"I feel so guilty I had the affair. I don't even know why I did it. What was I thinking?" The reasons for cheating vary -- feeling stuck,...

Jan 7, 20221 min read
The Cost of Giving Too Much
People-pleasers, this one's for you. Are you someone who goes to extremes to make other people happy, even at your own expense? Are you...

Nov 29, 20211 min read
ACT like You Mean It
Many of my conversations have included Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes, and I think this video, below, as well as this video...

Nov 29, 20212 min read
A phone app to help you drink responsibly?
I know what you're thinking.... How fun does this sound? But seriously, folks, I love when I find someone using technology for GOOD....

Sep 13, 20211 min read
On the bookshelf: Mental Load of Modern Parenting
"Tired of being the “she-fault” parent responsible for all aspects of her busy household, Eve Rodsky counted up all the unpaid, invisible...

Sep 13, 20211 min read
Victim Mindset
While feeling stuck seems like a hopeless experience and can make it hard to make forward, at some level, "stuck" is a choice we make...

Sep 13, 20211 min read
Too Much of a Good Thing: Heavy Drinking and Relationships
As you probably know, excessive alcohol use can dramatically affect all relationships. The greatest collateral damage is often to...

Sep 13, 20212 min read
Shake It Off
“It’s not really what happens to us, but our response to what happens to us that hurts us. Of course, things can hurt physically or...
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